However, those who master force magic are a fearsome sight in battle, bending the fabric of space and time to their whim, crushing their foes like rag dolls, and showering them in an endless volley of magical energy.' When one taps into the power of this uncommon school, they draw power from the very forces that bind the fabric of our world together, forces that have crushed more than one foolish apprentice into a singularity. ' Much like blood magic, force magic poses considerable risks to the foolish or inexperienced. This build will be quite a treat for destruction school fans looking for something unique as well as powerful. So every aspect of this build revolves around making the destruction school, a much underrated school in my opinion, truly shine.
I wanted to explore ways to bring out the full potential of destruction magic, without employing the usual combo of illusion and conjuration spells to cover its many weaknesses.